About Us
Our Mission
“Promoting transparency and accountability in local government.” The Kent County Taxpayers Alliance was formed in 2006 to promote openness and accountability in local government. We believe that citizens can have the most affect on local issues and that’s where were focus our efforts. Local government needs to be open and honest about what it does. …
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Volunteer Staff
The Kent County Taxpayers Alliance is managed by a volunteer staff. No member receives any compensation. Our core staff organizes and coordinates all activities, volunteers, and donations. Eric Larson, Spokesperson: Eric, along with Jeff Steinport, was co-founder of KCTA (Formerly Kent County Families for Fiscal Responsibility) in 2007 and has served as its spokesman. Eric …
Campaign Finance
2011 KCFFR pre-election campaign finance statement Friends of Transit / Rapid Yes pre-election campaign finance statement 2009 KCFFR campaign finance waiver Friends of Transit / Rapid Yes pre-election campaign finance statement Friends of Transit / Rapid Yes post-election campaign finance statement
ITP Watch
Kent County Open Government Project
Recent Posts
Kent County Land Bank Changes are a Step in the Right Direction
Kent County government loses hundreds of thousands of dollars due to preferential transfers to the Land Bank, faces deficit of $955,000, considers raising taxes
Kent County Taxpayers Question Whether the Rapid Engaged in Improper Campaign Activity
Kent County Taxpayers Alliance calls for resignation of Interurban Transit Partnership CEO Peter Varga
Kent County Taxpayers Alliance Announces Lawsuit Against Kent County Land Bank Authority for Violating State Law